
Views expressed in this blog may not not represent the views of my employer.

This blog is a contrail of opinions and observations. These are simply footprints in time. You will notice that observations challenge complacency and status quo. This is by design.

I started my blockchain journey informally in 2016. The nights and weekends curiosity of 2017 resulted in a professional shift at the end of 2017. Each individual's entry point into the blockchain space defines their perspective.

With the Russian illegal war on Ukraine, I decided to split my web3 writing from my posts on Ukraine. My decade-old Twitter account will focus on Ukraine and @web3contrail Twitter and this site will focus on web3 and ubiquitous NFTs.

This collection also contains a few of my earlier blog posts from the Medium. Blog posts circa Sept 2024 are written with AI assistants. I write a prompt that resembles a stream of consciousness and then I ask AI to organize and phrase it for specific audience. Sometimes it works.