Frictionless NFT Drops

NFT claim process can be a two step affair: get the user to a claim site and have them connect the wallet. The backend processes can silently transfer the token to the connected account behind the scenes.

At the Art Basel 2022 our colleagues challenged my team. Create a POAP-like NFT claim experience for a brand new MetaMask user that has a seamless and dead-simple experience.

We examined Art Basel airdrops claim processes from a management consulting analysis lens:

1. Eliminate the claim steps
2. Semi-automate the claim steps you can’t eliminate
3. Communicate clearly around constraints (e.g., confusing wallet messages)

Our analysis indicates that a simple “free for all” NFT drop is possible with two steps. A third step is required if eligibility verification is necessary.

In general you have less than 8 seconds to capture human attention. The fact that you’re still reading this sentence indicates that I tickled your curiosity. This two step claim process is suitable at conferences or mass gathering events. Consider this where you want to get near instant engagement and gratification. Scan a QR code to open a deep link in a wallet browser, connect the wallet and you’re done. By the time the user proceeds to MetaMask Portfolio or OpenSea Account the token has been transferred.

This approach in practice

In late December 2022 we did a simple Infura Gratitude NFT drop to the community builders. This was a thank you NFT to users who provided feedback to the user research survey. The token airdrop was email gated to the first 400 survey participants. This drop required three steps due to the light validation component: users had to enter their email address to claim.

This drop reached a ~60% claim rate within the first 24 hours

The exception cases, such as a wrong email address used for verification, were graciously met with informative messages and an offer to ask a question on a designated Discord channel.

The simplest NFT claim process has two steps:

1. A user is directed to a claim site via link / QR code / RFID chip scan
2. A user connects a wallet to the claim site (click connect & accept)
3. (Optional) User eligibility for the NFT is validated (multiple options exist)
A user automatically receives the NFT via silent and automatic transfer by a platform


There are a few tradeoffs associated with this “don’t make me think” approach:

1. The NFT is transferred into the selected wallet account at the time the wallet is connected to the site. User doesn't get a choice. This is not a concern for a newbie web3 user who may not even be aware that a wallet can have many accounts.

2. The eligibility verification process will cause extra friction. The dead simple gate keeping models are also least secure. Entering an email address or using a single use link are fitting tactics only for low value NFTs.

3. Complexity grows with security.  It’s best to start the onboarding process with simple NFTs drops that have situational value. It’s worth noting that even for the free Infura Gratitude NFT drop someone managed to sell (or create a perception of a sale) on a few tokens.

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