Crypto winter 2022

Crypto winter 2022
Photo by Kent Henderson / Unsplash

The snow is falling. The crypto twitter is quiet. Once in a while a storm picks up and blows the snow around - often in a tornado like fashion. On warmer days the snow melts and crypto goes up. And then it snows again. The winter is cold. Not everybody will make it. Some already perished. Others were on demise and were rescued through an acquisition. The rumor is that it’s a fire sale out there. Those who didn’t prepare for winter are quietly sending a help signal with the hope of being rescued with dignity. It’s cold. The sea is open, but it’s cold, and mostly frozen.

Ice covering Beaufort Sea near the Arctic Ocean typically reaches full-blown breakup by late May each year as air and water temperatures warm, and as daylight turns longer. But 2016 has been dramatically different.

This year, significant breakup and fracturing of the sea ice had occurred by mid-April, as seen in these Landsat 8 images acquired almost exactly a year apart. On April 13, 2015, the ice is largely intact, though fracturing has begun. A year later, on April 15, 2016, much more open water is visible.
Photo by USGS / Unsplash

Nobody knows the length of the winter. Nobody knows the strength of the winter. But we all know that it’s cyclical. Just as the last time everyone is talking about buidling. That’s why there is hope. We cope and buidl to come out stronger in the spring.

The power of Why! The 77 Human Needs System helps you figure out the needs and benefits of your product.
Photo by The 77 Human Needs System / Unsplash

To survive the winter you need cash. You’re lucky if your cash didn’t tumble around in a tornado. But let’s assume you have enough sustenance. That’s not enough to make it. Figuring out what to build and knowing why you are building is key. The north star is such an overused term. But without a meaningful purpose (the why) and without a razor sharp focus you can build, but you won’t know if you’re building the right thing. Nobody can predict the future. But you can predict human behavior in the future. I leave you with a quote from Wayne Gretzky. “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” Be like Gretzky.